Fiona's 1st Birthday!

Fiona's 1st Birthday!

Fiona was a street cat for over a decade. A year ago, I noticed that she was not doing well. Her teeth were bothering her, and she had become incredibly skinny. She allowed me to pick her up, take her inside, and even giver her TWO baths! I took her to the vet the very next day. Her fur was covered in fleas. Her ears were filled mites. She was under-weight and severely hydrated. On top of that, she needed to have most of her teeth removed. Poor thing! We got her all fixed up with medications and fluids and vaccines.

It took her a very long time to become assimilated to the indoor life. One day she did manage to run back outside! It took me two tries to get her back inside. I had a heart attack because she still needed to have a dental appointment to have her teeth removed. 

I was able to raise the money for her teeth after about a month and they all came out, except for one canine on the bottom and 3 teeny, tiny incisors. She had a rough time coming out of anesthesia. Pooped herself in the carrier and pooped all over the apartment. The stress that she was experiencing broke my heart, but I knew it was all worth it to make her feel better when she would eat. The veterinarian said that her teeth were so rotten that they were wriggling around in her mouth, and he was able to pull them out by hand. So when she would eat, they would move and hit a nerve. Ouch!

One year we have a chonky Fiona! She has gained weight and eats without being in pain. Her toothless mouth makes a funny muddled duck noise. Then she will look up at you with that one tooth sticking out in a snarl and it melts my heart. I wanted to throw her a small birthday party to celebrate her transformation. To celebrate her allowing me to be her Meowmie. To celebrate her saving me every day. I wrote her a birthday card, got her a ton of gifts and treats. 

If you want to watch her birthday party, you can check out the video below.

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